Shine City Project and Universal Peace Federation Las Vegas harvest peaches at Ahern Orchard for Peace Road on August 26, 2023.
On August 26, 2023, Shine City Project and Universal Peace Federation Las Vegas collaborated together for a Peace Road service project at Ahern Orchard! Just before the event, leaders and guests gathered at the Nevada State Veterans Memorial to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice Agreement and honor those who served in the Korean War. The Korean War was the first war in which the U.S. military was desegregated, and both black and white soldiers fought alongside together. At the memorial, we offered prayers for those who fought in the war and made determinations to unify as brothers and sisters beyond races, nationalities, and faiths. After the memorial event, the group headed to Ahern Orchard to join our Shine City Project volunteers! At the service project, we helped to harvest peaches! We had around 25 people who came to help out! Even though the weather was warm and sunny, we did our best to work together to pick out and sort the good peaches from the bad ones. We looked for damage and tiny holes that could signify the presence of bugs inside the peaches. Overall, it was a great service project that brought members of our community together!