What is the Las Vegas Family Church?
Our Mission: We feel, learn, and practice the unconditional love of God, our Heavenly Parent.
Our Vision: We strive to be a vibrant community living in God’s True Love.
Join our Sunday Gathering →
Our Values
We strive to align our hearts with the love of God and True Parents
We respect and treat everyone as family.
We take responsibility for our community and joyfully contribute our unique and valuable talents and resources.
We take time to honor and express gratitude towards one another.
We care for and invest in one another’s personal growth and happiness.
3 Practices for a Life of Love.
Feel part of loving family as we experience joy together. Discover new friendships and nurture your existing ones as you bond over food and coffee. Come together to celebrate God as a united community.
Learn the skills to grow your ability to love and develop what really matters: creating loving relationships. Find your life purpose in the Divine Principle and nurture it through our on-going classes and workshops.
Having meaningful conversations is where True Love happens. By telling the truth about yourself, and being accepted as you are, you experience the fullness of love. Meetup with someone this week.

Join Sunday Service
Music. Connection. Community.
Come at 9:30am for coffee. Program starts at 10:30am.
Get Directions
Please check our upcoming Sunday event schedule before attending.
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