HJ Cheonbo in Belvedere
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please register in advance for the upcoming HJ CheonBo event in Belvedere, New York, on June 24, 2023. Please see this notice with details for registration and application for Ancestors Liberation and Blessing.
Also, on Sunday, June 25, we will have a Unified Regional Service with Rev. Dunkley in Belvedere.
Here are a few important notes for the HJ CheonBo event:
1. This is a one-day event starting Saturday morning, June 24. Therefore, all Ancestors or Collaterals Liberation and Blessing forms and payments need to arrive before June 21, and cleared and approved by June 23, or any such works will not go through.
2. If you register on the day only, or if your liberation and Blessing forms do not arrive in time, you will be able to participate in the ChanYang sessions and offer the HJ Offering Papers only.
3. If you are mailing your forms and payment after June 12, please send them to Belvedere, 723 S Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 10591. Please make sure your mail arrives by June 21, so the registration team has time to process everything in time for the event.
To register and for liberation and Blessing information, please see here: https://cheonshimwon.org/hj-cheonbo-events/
For questions please communicate with Mr. Willus Namowicz at register@cheonshimwon.org and visit cheonshimwon.org for more information.
Thank you, and God Bless,
Tal Zorer
Executive Assistant
Office of the President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification USA
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Email: president@unification.org
Tel: 212-560-3440